New Delhi: A major tragedy was averted at the Mumbai airport on Monday after a tow tractor, which is used to tow an aircraft, burst into flames.

The incident happened at 1 pm when Air India flight AI-647 was about to depart for Jamnagar. There were 85 people onboard the plane.  Officials said the fire had been extinguished and the aircraft had sustained no damage, ANI reported.

A video of the incident, posted by ANI, shows firefighters extinguishing the fire as smoke billowed from the tow tractor.

'There Is No Harm To Any Person': Mumbai Airport PRO

"The Mumbai-Jamnagar flight has 85 passengers onboard. The fire was brought under control within 10 minutes. There is no harm to any person. All operations are normal," Mumbai airport PRO said in a statement.

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However, there is no confirmation regarding the reason behind the fire yet.

In a statement, Air India said, "No injuries, no damage to anything else. We are checking with the airport ground handler for more information."

A level-two fire broke out last week at a godown near Mustafa Bazar in Mumbai's Byculla neighbourhood. According to the Mumbai Fire Brigade, eight fire engines were deployed to put out the fire.

(With ANI Inputs)