New Delhi: As India and Pakistani thronged in a large numbers at the Oval stadium in London for the final, there were some incidents of altercations also reported. 

Pakistani fans were in for celebrations galore as their team trounced India comfortably in the high-voltage Champions Trophy final in London.  But there were some unpleasant incidents that was bound to come between the fans locked in a bitter battle.  Watch them below.

Incident No. 1: A video shot by a spectator shows some Indians fans bantering with a Pakistani fans who seems to be quite agitated. He is seen gesturing in an objectionable manner to Indian fans who were jeering and booing him .

Incident No 2: This video appears to be from a lobby near the stands in the stadium where an Indian fans expresses his anger on certain Pakistani fans booing and dancing. The Indian fan draped in tr-colour flag is seen talking to security officials who had intervened.

Incident No. 3: A video uploaded by a YouTube user in Leicester how fans from both sides blocked the road while jeering and bantering against each other. The police did their bit to soothen the tense atmosphere.

Incident No. 4: There was a brandishing of bat and could have turned violent. An Indian fan grans hold the neck of his counterpart is as he is being pacified by other Indians to stop the argument.