New Delhi: The West Bengal government on Wednesday accorded a gun salute to iconic singer Krishnakumar Kunnath, popularly known as KK, in Rabindra Sadan. KK's body was brought from SSKM hospital, where the post mortem was conducted, to Rabindra Sadan where West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and family members of the singer paid their last respects.

Banerjee was seen consoling KK's wife and other family members who were present at the venue. Banerjee, who supervised the proceedings, paid floral tributes to the late singer, PTI reported. 

Earlier, Mamata Banerjee said that KK, who passed away on Tuesday following a concert at Nazrul Mancha, would get the gun salute at the Kolkata airport. However, the plan was changed after Banerjee spoke with KK's family members.

Following the sudden demise of the playback singer, Mamata Banerjee cut short her scheduled political programme in Bankura district on Wednesday morning and rushed back to Kolkata.

KK was known for some of Bollywood's biggest hits like 'Pal' and 'Yaaron'. His songs almost gained cult status among youngsters in the late 1990s.

Kolkata Police has registered a case of unnatural death over the demise of KK. According to ABP News sources, investigation has revealed black spots on KK’s lips and head.

READ | KK Death: Kolkata Police Register 'Unnatural Death' Case, Probe ‘Black Spots’ On Singer’s Lip, Head

The singer was apparently showing symptoms of uneasiness during the performance at the Gurudas College event in the city's Nazrul Mancha. KK was constantly requesting the authorities to switch off the spotlights and he was going backstage at intervals to take rest, sources told ABP Ananda.

However, despite feeling uneasy, KK completed his playlist of 20 songs at the event organised by Gurudas College as per schedule, and returned to his hotel in central Kolkata. 

On reaching his hotel room after performing at the concert on Tuesday, the 53-year-old singer complained of chest congestion. He was immediately rushed to the CMRI hospital in the city where he was declared "brought dead".