New Delhi: In a shocking incident traffic policeman in Pune, Maharashtra was dragged on the bonnet of a car after he stopped the driver for not wearing a mask. According to a report by ANI, in the incident that happened in the Pimpri-Chinchwad district of Pune, the traffic cop Abasaheb Sawant had tried to stop the vehicle as the driver was not wearing a face mask. The policeman has sustained an injury on his leg.

The video of the incident has now gone viral on social media.

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The report says the accused identified as Yuvraj Hanuvate has been taken into custody and a case has been registered with Chinchwad Police Station under Section 307, 353, 323, 279 and 24(a), 177 of the Motor Vehicle Act.

Another video on social media shows that Hanuvate continued to drag the cop till some bikers asked him to stop the car and the cop was then able to get off the car. On Thursday, Maharashtra’s Covid-19 cases crossed the 17 lakh-Mumbai reported 841 new cases and the total reached 2,61,684.