Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Monday equated Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Mahatma Gandhi saying the Mahatma was a ‘Mahapurush’ of the last century while PM Modi is the ‘yugpurush’ of the current century. 

Speaking on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Shrimad Rajchandra in Mumbai, the Vice President said, "'Mahapurush' of the last century was Mahatma Gandhi while the 'Yugpurush' of this century is Narendra Modi." 

"Mahatma Gandhi freed us from the slavery of the British with the help of truth and non-violence. PM Modi took us forward on the path of progress, which we always wanted to see," he added. 

"Both Mahatma Gandhi and PM Modi reflected the teachings of Shrimad Rajchandra ji," said the Vice President. 

Reacting to his statement, the Congress party said it was “unfortunate” and “shows that each institution in India is collapsing.” 

"It is very unfortunate and it shows that each institution in India is collapsing. The Vice President of India comparing Mahatma Gandhi to PM Modi is unacceptable and even PM Modi won't accept it...I feel pained,” said Congress leader Manickam Tagore on Tuesday. 

Another Congress leader Manish Tewari said that the only person who measured up to Mahatma in some manner was Nelson Mandela. 

"The great Mahatma fashioned craft and honed the instrument of non-violence as a means of passive resistance when the only thing the world knew was war as a means of resistance and conflict as a method of opposing oppression,” Tewari said while speaking to news agency ANI. 

“He was a secularist...Mahatma Gandhi has been considered to be perhaps the tallest figure of the 20th century. The only person who measures up to him in some manner is the late Nelson Mandela,” he added. 

“To compare the great Mahatma to anybody for that matter, is nothing short of sacrilege. It is extremely unfortunate that the legacy of possibly the greatest human being who strode on this planet in the 20th century is being undermined," Tewari said. 

Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut said that titles are decided by history, centuries and people across the world 

"Mahatma Gandhi was revered by the entire world...If those who are sitting in the government had even been 'purush', then our Jawans wouldn't have died in Jammu and Kashmir every other day, China wouldn't have entered Ladakh," he added.