New Delhi: In a bizarre case, a constable in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh was suspended for going against instructions from his senior officials and growing his beard. According to a report by The Telegraph, the  50-year-old sub-inspector Intsar Ali who is posted in the Ramala police station, 580km west of Lucknow, was suspended for  ‘indiscipline” by not taking formal permission” from the department for keeping a beard.

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Abhishek Singh the police chief who had issued the suspension order said that action was taken because Ali disregarded the instructions for seeking permission.

“As per the dress code of the police manual, all policemen, except members of the Sikh community, are expected to take formal permission from the department for keeping a long beard,'said Singh in the report. He also added that the SI had been warned twice but ignored the instructions.

According to Ali, his application for permission which he had submitted in November 2019 has remained pending. He also added that has never faced any problems in keeping facing hair 25-year service in Uttar Pradesh police.