Coronavirus in India: We saw different heroes in our country after the pandemic hit us. On one side people were locked up inside their homes to protect themselves from the deadly Coronavirus and on the other hand, some decided to serve humanity and among them were those living in villages and rural areas, coming out of their homes just to help people.

One such Covid HERO is from Maharashtra. He is an 87-year old homeopathic doctor in Chandrapur district who is brave enough to perform his duties of treating people. The Homeopathic doctor knew his responsibility and understood how much the villagers needed him.

Photo: ANI

The doctor travels 10 km barefoot on his bicycle daily to provide door-to-door medical treatment to the poor. He has been visiting patients on his bicycle for the last 60 years.

This 87-year-old man is fighting all odds to fulfill his duty. The efforts and determination of this old man is being applauded by everyone in his village and now it is the time for India to salute such brave hearts.

Image: ANI

As Dalai Lama rightly said, Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries, Humanity cannot survive without them. This old man's love for his work and compassion for the villagers gave him the courage to become a warrior and serve the people.

India on Friday kept a lower count of the fresh Covid-19 cases as it recorded less than 55k new infections. The country also crossed the 10 crore-mark of testing. As per the update by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, with 54,366 new Covid-19 infections, India's total cases surge to 77,61,312. With 690 new deaths, the toll mounts to 1,17,306.