New Delhi: A love-jihad and double-murder accused named Shamshad was nabbed by Uttar Pradesh police in Meerut after a brief encounter on Thursday. The man was on a run after allegedly killing a mother-daughter duo. He had allegedly married the woman named Priya by changing his name and hiding his religious identity from the woman. Also Read: Mehtab Hossain, Former Footballer, Quits Politics A Day After Joining BJP, Party Says 'TMC Threatened Him'

The woman had separated form her previous husband in the year 2010.

Shamshad reportedly befriended the woman by claiming that he is a Hindu and his named is Amit. He stayed in a live-in relationship with Priya and her daughter for around 5 years. The mother-daughter duo was killed in the month of March, after a prolonged conflict between the couple ever since the woman found out the true identity of the man. He buried them at their Meerut residence.

The  incident came to light after the woman's friend Chanchal filed a missing complaint with the local police station after failing to establish connection with her friend for over three months.

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Police have recovered a pistol, two live bullets and a motorcycle from Shamshad's possession after he was arrested. Shamshad had escaped police custody when he was being taken to a place for questioning. He carried a bounty of Rs. 25,000 on his head.

His first wife is also allegedly involved in the case and police is conducting searches to nab her.
