Gorakhpur: After Lakhimpur, Uttar Pradesh witnessed a horrendous crime in the Gola area of Gorakhpur after a teenage girl was allegedly raped by two men, and her body singed with cigarette butts on Friday.

The girl was found unconscious on Saturday and is currently undergoing treatment at the district hospital, the police told the media. The girl was found by her parents, brick kiln workers, the next day. A case has been registered against two men, who have been arrested and sent to jail, the police said.

Also Read|13-Yr-Old Girl Raped & Strangled In UP, Father Says 'Her Eyes Gouged And Tongue Cut', Cops Deny

According to reports, the teenage girl of a brick kiln labourer went to fetch water from a hand pump on Friday night, when the two accused forcibly took her to a hut near a pond in the village on a motorcycle and allegedly raped her.

They also tortured the girl by inflicting burn injuries on her with cigarette butts and when she fell unconscious, they fled the spot.

"A case of kidnapping, gangrape and one under sections of the POCSO Act has been registered against the two men on a complaint from the survivor's mother. A hunt to nab the accused is on," senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Sunil Kumar Gupta, said.

In a video statement released on Twitter, police official Vipul Shrivastava said,"Both accused have been arrested. The main accused is a man named Arjun who lives in a village near the incident spot. His accomplice, Chotu, has also been arrested."

13-year-old girl raped in Lakhimpur Kheri

On Saturday, a 13-year-old girl was raped and killed in Lakhimpur Kheri district and her body found in a sugarcane field.  She had been strangled, her eyes were gouged out and her tongue cut, the girl's father said. The incident took place on Friday, around 130 km from Lucknow, in a village close to the Nepal border. Her body was found in the fields of one of the accused.

However, Satyendra Kumar, SP, Lakhimpur Kher said that the claims about the eyes being gouged out and tongue being purposely slit were false. He said there was some blood near the victims' eye at the time the body was discovered, but that it could have happened due to a cut from the sharp leaves in the sugarcane field.