New Delhi: Ever since the dates of Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections are out, the news about formation of several alliances is surfacing. As per the sources, the two youth faces of the country- Akhilesh Yadav and Rahul Gandhi are all set to join hands and the discussion about their alliance has reached its stage.

Ever since a rift has taken place in the Samajwadi Party, with both father Mulayam Singh and son Akhilesh Yadav have formed their own camps.

If Rahul joins hands with Akhilesh’s camp, it could really prove beneficial for the Congress, which currently has very bleak chances of winning the polls.

If Congress and Akhilesh form an alliance, they both could together win around 133-143 seats, whereas if Akhilesh takes part in polls individually he would on an estimate win around 82-92 seats.

Asserting that he would not allow the SP to be split, party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav on Wednesday turned emotional, saying he has given whatever he had and advised his son Akhilesh Yadav to keep away from the dispute.

Amidst the ongoing tussle in the party, Mulayam in his address to party workers at the SP headquarters here before leaving for New Delhi once again trained his guns at cousin Ramgopal accusing him of conspiring to break the party and threw his weight behind brother Shivpal Yadav, who is at loggerheads with the UP Chief Minister.