New Delhi:After much speculation over BSF Jawan Tej Bahadur's video leak, The Prime Minister's Office on Thursday sought a report on the allegations levied by soldier from the Ministry of Home Affairs. 

Earlier in the day the Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju broke his silence on the BSF jawan Tej Bahadur’s audio tape, where he was heard complaining about the food served by BSF, pointing fingers at the whole machinery. Rijiju on Thursday said, “We should not come to conclusion on the basis of just one video”.

Rijiju’s statement came after the spouse of BSF soldier Tej Bahadur, leaked an audio tape where he was heard saying that “BSF is pretending to do an investigation”. His wife also claimed that a pressure is being built on Bahadur to take back his complaint.

After Rijiju's statement, a PIL has been filed by an Ex-serviceman in Delhi HC seeking status report of all paramilitary forces in India over the allegations.

Bahadur has already been transferred to another unit and has been handed over the work of a plumber. After the job of a plumber of was assigned to Tej Bahadur, the BSF came forward and clarified that “he has not been punished”, adding that “he has been kept in a different unit so that there is an unbiased investigation.”

The BSF also assured that a justice would take place with the soldier.

On Monday, a soldier, in a shared video complained of poor treatment and lack of food supplies, clarifying that even though conditions for soldiers were tough they were provided with regular rations while asserting that the jawan in particular had a troubled past.