Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, complimented the state's law and order situation on Sunday, saying it had set an example for the country and even the globe, news agency PTI reported.

The BJP leader was speaking after waving off modern jail vans for 56 districts as part of the Police Modernisation Scheme.

"The law and order of Uttar Pradesh is being seen as an example for the country and the world," he was quoted by PTI in its report. 

People frequently highlight Uttar Pradesh's law and order situation as an example of a state where rioting, chaos, and hooliganism were seen to be at their pinnacle before 2017, but where the rule of law has now been established, according to the chief minister.

Taking a jab at previous regimes, Adityanath stated that formerly, the police would leave and criminals would escape.

"Modern Prison Van is a part of the series that we started with the process of police modernisation for better law and order in the country's largest state," CM Adityanath said. 

He claimed that before, prisoners were transported to the jail in outdated cars that lacked technology, causing them to either flee or be attacked and freed by criminal groups.

However, Adityanath stated that the new prison vans are outfitted with technology to safeguard the safety of police officers when carrying prisoners from jail to court and from court to jail.

"Be it the transparent process of police recruitment, or training them to make them professionally efficient, all effective steps have been taken to ensure law and order in the state," the CM added.

(With Inputs From PTI)