New Delhi: Ahead of UP assembly polls, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Wednesday asserted that the 'laal topi' (red caps) symbolizes the colour of change, adding that the promises made by the BJP govt are nothing but mere "jumlas," as the party has been "lying continuously."
Yadav retorted after Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed in Gorakhpur that those wearing red caps are pursuing red beacons and are a red alert to Uttar Pradesh, in a dig at the Samajwadi Party.
'Govt Of Jumals'
"Those who sell public property are perturbed with the colour red. This is a govt that sells. So far it was a govt of 'jumlas', it has now become a 'bechu' govt too. They are making such comments because they don't want to discuss real issues," the SP chief said.
Asserting that Uttar Pradesh wants to see a change, Akhilesh Yadav said, " Promises made by BJP are mere 'jumla', they have been lying continuously. They have misled people. Did they fulfil their promises? Did the farmers' income double? Did the youth get jobs?"
UP Election 2022: ABP & C-Voter Survey
Meanwhile, Opinion Polls jointly conducted by ABP & C-voter suggests BJP's return to power in 2022 in Uttar Pradesh, though with a significant reduction in the number of seats that the saffron party is expected to win.
According to the latest round of opinion polls, BJP and its allies are projected to grab seats in a range of 213 to 221 seats in 2022 Assembly polls, while SP and its alliance partners, emerging as a key challenger to the saffron party, are expected to win 152 to 160 seats this time.