Prime Minister Modi launched a scathing attack on the Samajwadi Party via a virtual rally. He said that "the government, which has given a free hand to the rioters and rioters, has done the biggest harm."
PM Modi was speaking at the 'Jan Chaupal' event of the BJP organised for the voters of Meerut, Ghaziabad, Aligarh, Hapur, and Noida.
The first phase of the UP Elections 2022 is just days away, and thus, this virtual rally is quite significant in the larger scheme of things. The first phase of the election will be held for the seats in Western Uttar Pradesh where the issue of Sugarcane procurement is big. Apart from the scathing attack against SP, PM Modi also spoke about the government's efforts in providing better rates for sugarcane.
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Speaking about Samajwadi Party, the PM said, "The BJP is saying that the rioters will not return to UP. In the last 5 years, about 1.5 lakh recruitments have been made in the police to establish the rule of law."
"You need to be very careful while casting your vote. If they get a chance, these family-driven fake Samajwadis will stop the aid being provided to farmers... These fake Samajwadi will make you go hungry," he said.
'Fake Socialists...'
PM Modi called Akhilesh Yadav and other SP leaders as 'fake socialists'. He said, "If given a chance, these fake socialists will stop the thousands of crores farmers are getting. They will stop the MSP money that is going into the bank accounts of farmers.
"the free ration you are getting in this Corona period, these fake socialists will snatch it too," he added.
On Farmers' Issue
"The double engine government is concerned about the present and future of farming and farmer," PM said reiterating that the government is in support of farmers.
"Today the budget of agriculture has become six times as compared to the previous governments. Out of 70 thousand crores of PM Samman Nidhi, small farmers of UP will get a huge part," he said.
"This year too, the farmers of the country including UP are going to get lakhs of crores of rupees as MSP. Yogi ji's government has paid sugarcane of more than 1.5 lakh crore in the last 5 years.
Almost full payment of last season has also been done and dues of this season are also being paid," PM said in his speech.