India garnered praise at the UN Global Summit on Sunday for its vaccine initiative terming as the minister of various countries lauded it as “humanitarian aid” and credited for the fast-paced recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Mauritius' Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Maneesh Gobin said, "In the 1990s India was a country with a closed economy.  And look now where India has come. But India has not forgotten the other countries. This is not a country saying bye-bye.” 

“India is bringing the Global South together at the decision-making table. This is illustrated by the participation of a country like Mauritius at the table of G20," he added. 

Under the vaccine 'Maitri' initiative, India supplied over 235 million total supplies of COVID-19 vaccines to 98 countries of the world, NITI Aayog Vice-Chairman, Suman K Berry said in July last year. 

Maldives attributed India’s vaccine programme for the fast-paced recovery from the pandemic. 

"As India is set to become the second largest global economy in the next 25 years, the world remains persuaded of its resilience and commitment," said  Ahmed Khaleel, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives. 

“We also attribute a significant portion of our fast-paced recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic to India. It would not have been possible without our close partner and friend," he added. 

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Saint Lucia Foreign Minister Alva Romanus Baptiste said the Carribean country "has witnessed India's progression as a champion of developing nations and its emergence over the last decade as a strong and powerful voice of the Global South... At the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, India collaborated on fast-track funding to support Saint Lucia's human security and sustainable development."

Bhutan’s Foreign Minister Tandi Dorji called the initiative one of the “biggest humanitarian” initiatives undertaken by India. 

The Vaccine Maitri initiative, which was one of the biggest humanitarian initiatives undertaken by India, has provided COVID vaccines to nearly 100 countries around the world. The enduring partnership between Bhutan and India serves as a remarkable example of strong bilateral relations in the Global South," he said.