The National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested two women from Thana in Kannur district of Kerala for allegedly attempting to spread the ideology of ISIS on social media platforms including Instagram and Telegram.

According to reports, two women--Shifa Harris and Misha Siddique-- part of a group called Chronicle Foundation are involved in spreading the ISIS ideology.

The two women were also allegedly involved in recruiting people to join ISIS. The propaganda by the two women came to light after their accomplice Anuvar from Kannur was arrested by NIA in March 2021.

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Apart from Anuvar, several other people were arrested from Mangaluru and Bengaluru for their alleged involvement in propagating the message of ISIS and link with the Kerala ISIS module. The reports said, the NIA officials visited the homes of the women at 6 am and took them into custody. Later, the NIA produced them before the court and seized their passports since the women allegedly visited Iran. 

The Kerala ISIS module pertains to the alleged terrorist activities of Ameen, a resident of Kerala, who was reportedly running social media campaigns and propaganda groups on Telegram, Instagram to raise funds for ISI, propagandizing the ISIS ideology and recruiting new members. Following the arrest, NIA started tracing the contacts of Ameen and last week arrested a man Zufri Jawhar Damudi from Karnataka in connection with the Kerala ISIS module.

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During the arrest, NIA seized laptops, mobile phones, pen drives, SIM cards and several documents. Later, NIA also arrested four members linked to the group from Bengaluru and Srinagar. All of them were accused of raising funds, propagating ISIS ideology, and encouraging people to join ISIS.