New Delhi: Senior Congress leader and MP Shashi Tharoor created a Twitter storm Tuesday with his post about the presence of possible "Malayali Taliban" in Afghanistan.

Responding to a video posted by a user on Twitter, the Congress leader used his linguistic prowess to spot two "Malayali Taliban".

In the viral video, Taliban fighters are seen weeping in joy after having won the battle after 20 years. Quote-tweeting the post shared by the user, @RamizReports, Tharoor said there could be "at least two Malayali Taliban" there as he seemed to find them conversing in Malayalam. He posted: "It sounds as if there are at least two Malayali Taliban here — one who says “samsarikkette” around the 8-second mark & another who understands him!"

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The post drew the wrath of Twitter users, with few agreeing to his "discovery".

Even @RamizReports, the same Twitter handle that had shared the video chose to respond to Tharoor's post, and clarified that there are "no #kerala origin fighters in rank and file of #taliban". The user claimed the Taliban fighters in the video are "#baloch from #zabul province who speak brahvi", adding that the language is widely spoken among them. 'Bravhi', or Brahui, a Dravidian language "very similar to" Telgu, Tamil and Malyalam, he ppinted out.

Tharoor, however, wasn't convinced. Responding to the tweet, he posted: "Interesting explanation. WIll leave it to the linguists to figure this one out. But there have indeed been misguided Malayalis who joined the Taliban, so that possibility cannot be ruled out entirely."