The ruling Trinamool Congress and the opposition BJP engaged in a battle of words on Sunday, a day after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee returned to Kolkata after a 12-day tour of Spain and the United Arab Emirates, with the saffron party mocking the CM's trip and the TMC questioning Prime Minister Narendra Modi's foreign visit while Manipur was burning, news agency PTI reported. Suvendu Adhikari, a senior BJP legislator and opposition leader, accused the TMC of "hobnobbing with corruption" for questioning Modi's abroad travel.

TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh responded, adding that "Banerjee is more trustworthy" than Modi.

Taking to X, TMC Spokesperson stated: "PM @narendramodi embarked on foreign trips while Manipur was burning. He jetted off to the United States, France & UAE, but didn't bother to visit Manipur even once. Spare us the charade! We all know which leader is trustworthy & who is not!" 

Earlier, Adhikari on his official X (previously known as Twitter) handle writes: "Those who have tried to make an attempt to draw a parallel between Hon'ble Prime Minister @narendramodi ji's foreign trips with West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee's foreign vacation let me tell you the difference - his strategic trips was aimed 'to enhance the glory of the country' in the world but the other trip of CM was tinged with corruption."

"While hon'ble PM's strategic trips first laid the foundation for our country to be recognised as one with growing prominence to now being regarded as 'Vishwa Mitra' who can proudly host a successful G20," Adhikari said.

"On the other hand, judging by the current regime and ruling Tolamool party's hobnob with corruption in WB, the only thing which might be achieved after CM's trip/vacation is a successful gathering of G420," Adhikari added, slandering Trinamool Congress and claiming it of extortion.

On Sunday, while speaking with media, Adhikari stated: "When the dengue situation in West Bengal was taking an alarming proportion, the CM left for holidaying abroad with no concern for the outbreak. Meanwhile, as she has returned from a fruitless visit, the dengue situation has become worse."

Banerjee, who arrived at the airport at 7 p.m. on Saturday, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve West Bengal.

"It was a very good trip. I have not ever seen such a successful tour in my life. I am happy that I could do so much for Bengal," the chief minister informed reporters at the airport.

She also said: "The meetings were organised by FICCI and Indian Chamber of Commerce. There were major MoUs signed."