Hyderabad: The TS EAMCET (Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test) results have been declared today at 11 am on its official website www.tseamcet.in. and manabadi.co.in

Update:  Results have been declared at www.manabadi.co.in.

The Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance (TS EAMCET) 2016 is being conducted by JNT University Hyderabad (JNTUH) on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE).

This examination is the prerequisite for admission into various professional courses offered in University / Private Colleges in the state of Telangana.

“We wish all the TS EAMCET - 2016 aspirants BEST OF LUCK for the results!.”

How to check your results:

Access the website: www.tseamcet.in

Enter your roll number, name and other credentials

3. Click 'Submit'

4. Your result will be displayed on the screen

To give more transparency, in the year 2014, OMR Answer Sheets of all the candidates who have appeared for the entrance test were hosted in the website at the time of declaration of Ranks. The same was continued in the year 2015 as well, which received immense appreciation and testimonials from all sections of the people.