New Delhi: A Tanishq store in Gandhidham town of Gujarat's Kutch district has put up an apology on its door after the brand's advertisement caused controversy. The handwritten note in Gujarati read, 'We apologise to Hindu community of Kutch on the shameful advertisement of Tanishq'

According to a report by PTI, the note was put up on October 12, and but has since been removed. Although several media outlets had reported that a mob had attacked the store the showroom manager and police have rubbished it and said that no attack has taken place.

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"No such attack has taken place," said Superintendent of Police, Kutch-East, Mayur Patil in the report.

Tanishq  was forced to take down its advertisement which showed interfaith marriage following a massive social media outrage. Tanishq Jewelry issued a statement soon after saying that it was "deeply saddened with the inadvertent stirring of emotions" and that it was withdrawing the video.

The brand also said that the idea behind the Ekavatam campaign was to celebrate the coming together of people from different walks of life, local communities and families during these challenging times and celebrate the beauty of oneness. “This film has stimulated divergent and severe reactions, contrary to its very objective,” it said. “We are deeply saddened with the inadvertent stirring of emotions and withdraw this film keeping in mind the hurt sentiments and well being of our employees, partners and store staff,” it stated.

The advertisement which showed an inter-faith marriage was linked to love jihad by many on Twitter, landing into soup soon after it was unveiled on Monday. It faced #BoycottTanishq calls on social media and soon the hashtag was top trending on #Twitter. More than 19,000 people tweeted calling for a ban on the advertisement and the jewellery brand.