New Delhi: The video of yoga guru and founder of consumer good company Patanjali Ayurved Limited Baba Ramdev falling off an elephant while performing yoga has gone viral. According to the media reports, the incident is supposed to have happened on Monday while he was teaching yoga practice to saints at Guru Sharanan’s ashram Ramanarati in Mathura. the 22-second video shows Baba Ramdev atop an elephant performing a Yoga asana. the elephant suddenly shifted its position which made Ramdev lose his balance and he fell. Ramdev immediately stood up and laughed off the incident.

No injuries have been reported. The video has generated mixed reactions. While some have made humorous

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comments, there are many who were concerned for his safety.

Earlier a video of him falling off a bicycle had gone viral in social media. In the video, Ramdev was cycling in the rain and while taking a turn he lost his balance and fell. Ramdev is known for his yoga practice and has been holding yoga camps since 2002. This year Ramdev had got into a controversy after he claimed to have found the cure for cornavirus. He launched ‘Coronil and Swasari’ products on June 23, with the claim that it has successfully cured scores of under-trial Covid-19 patients with 100 percent results except for those on life support systems. He later clarified that the medicines helped in the management of Covid 19  should not be confused with covid cure. Ramdev is known for his