Tamil Nadu's Madurai district hosted the first day's Avaniyapuram Jallikattu festival on Tuesday.  The world-famous three-day festival hosts jallikattu featuring 1,100 bulls and 900 bull-tamers on Tuesday.

As part of Jallikattu, a tractor worth Rs 11 lakh will be awarded to the best bull. The top bull-tamer will receive a car worth Rs 8 lakh along with other prizes. The remaining Jallikattu events in Madurai are scheduled at Palamedu on January 15 and Alanganallur on January 16, as per a report on PTI.

The tamers and the bulls were allowed to participate only after an elaborate medical checkup. In Jallikattu, bulls smeared with sandalwood and haldi (manjal) will be let out from a 'Vadivasal' (the entry point to the arena). Following this, bull tamers must tame the bull one after the other by holding on to its hump and staying for a long time. 


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In early this month, the first jallikattu of the year was held at Thatchankurichi area of Pudukottai district. 

Jallikattu is a traditional bull-taming sport practiced in Tamil Nadu, India, as part of the Pongal harvest festival celebrations, particularly in rural areas. The goal is to tame the bull and not to harm it. Yet, the event can be dangerous for both participants and bulls. It is also a platform to preserve native cattle breeds, which are integral to Tamil Nadu's agrarian culture.

However, there are some criticisms of the sport alleging that it involves cruelty to animals, as bulls may be subjected to stress and injuries.