Karnataka Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar and her brother MLC Channaraj Hattiholi suffered injuries on Tuesday after the vehicle they were travelling in rammed into a tree in Channamma Kittur taluk on Pune-Bengaluru national highway.
Around 6 am, the accident took place when the car's driver swerved to avoid a stray dog, according to Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar's son, Mrunal Hebbalkar, speaking to news agency ANI.
The Minister reportedly suffered injuries to her face and back. On the other hand, her brother sustained head injuries.
Mrunal Hebbalkar, Son of Lakshmi Hebbalkar said, "Karnataka Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar and MLC Chennaraj Hattiholi escaped with minor injuries after their car met with an accident near Belagavi. The accident happened while trying to avoid a dog on the road. The driver lost control, and the car hit a tree. Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar sustained minor injuries to her back and face, while MLC Chennaraj Hattiholi suffered minor injuries to his head. They are under treatment. The incident happened today morning at 6:00 AM."
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"She has sustained minor injuries with mild fracture in the leg. She will be discharged in the next two days," it said, as per a report on PTI.
The car's driver and the gunman also sustained minor injuries but were discharged after receiving first aid. The incident occurred while Hebbalkar was returning from Bengaluru after attending a wedding, police stated. The minister and other inmates of the car reportedly escaped as airbags deployed on the impact.