As per the latest statement issued on Monday, the lockdown will be enforced in state capital Chennai, as well as Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Chengalpattu districts which come under Metropolitan Chennai Police limits.
Going by the reports, the government has eased some restrictions in this phase of lockdown. Sssential services, Hospitals, testing centres, labs and medical-related activities will remain functioning while taxis, autorickshaws, private vehicles will be banned except for medical emergencies.
Here's the list of activities that will be allowed during the lockdown period from June 19:
- Central and state government offices with 33 per cent staff strength permitted.
- Banks with with 33 per cent strength will function only on June 29 and 30.
- ATMs and cash refilling vans will function as usual.
- Ration Shops allowed to open from 8 AM till 2 PM. Doorstep Delivery of items has been permitted.
- Vegetable, grocery and petrol outlets to function from 6 AM till 2 PM
- Mobile vegetable, fruits shops will be allowed between 8 AM till 2 PM
- Hotels and restaurants are allowed only parcel sales between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. Online players are allowed to accept orders and make doorstep deliveries.
- Amma canteens, community kitchens, NGOs allowed to provide relief services
- Media outlets allowed to function
- Contruction work where the workers are staying at the site are allowed.
Besides these, the government said that flight and train services will remain operational as per protocol. Similarly, trucks carrying goods and essential items can ply without any hindrance.
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Moreover, the authorities said that the an E-pass will be allotted to those who wish to travel out of Chennai for the purpose of attending weddings, or funerals on submission of proof.
Announcing whats allowed and what's not during the lockdown period, the government said that these relaxations are exempted in the containment zones.
For instance, the staffers living in containment zone are exempted from attendance in offices. Shops otherwise allowed to function, will remain closed in containment zones while they could deliver the items at people's door steps.