New Delhi: Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday expressed his happiness on the opening of the new Parliament building. He said that the new Parliament is a symbol of our country’s resolve to break free from the shackles of slave mentality. His message was read out by Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh at an event held in Lok Sabha chamber of the new Parliament building.

In his message, he hoped that the new building will find solutions to the aspirations of the people of India and also said that it will be a witness of India's progress.

"New Parliament will contribute in building political consensus and will be symbol of freedom from mindset of slavery," Vice President Dhankhar said.

Addressing the gathering during the inaugural ceremony of the new Parliament building, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said, “The entire nation is witnessing this moment today. I express my gratitude towards PM Modi under whose leadership this new Parliament was built in under 2.5 years.” 

He added, "In this Amrit Kaal, India's prestige in the world has increased. Our parliament has the ability to convert challenges into opportunities. Democracy is the foundation of our strong future. Unity in diversity is our strength."

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inuagurated the new Parliament building on Sunday morning.

The Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla accompanied the Prime Minister during the inaugural ceremony that began with Puja. After Puja, the PM and LS speaker Birla entered the new Lok Sabha where PM Modi installed the historic 'Sengol' near Speaker's chair. later, the Prime Minister unveiled the plaque to mark the inauguration of the new Parliament building.

After inaugurating the new building, PM Modi, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, Union ministers and Chief Ministers of different States attended a multi-faith prayer meeting.

As the new building of India’s Parliament is inaugurated, our hearts and minds are filled with pride, hope and promise. May this iconic building be a cradle of empowerment, igniting dreams and nurturing them into reality. May it propel our great nation to new heights of progress,” PM Modi wrote in a tweet.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister released a special 75 coin and a commemorative stamp, symbolizing the historical significance of the new Parliament building.