New Delhi: Advertising veteran Sylvester daCunha, the man behind the iconic Amul Girl 'utterly butterly' campaign, passed away in Mumbai on Tuesday. Taking to Twitter, Amul managing director Jayen Mehta wrote, “Very sorry to inform about the sad demise of Shri Sylvester daCunha, Chairman of daCunha Communications last night at Mumbai. A doyen of Indian advertising industry who was associated with Amul since 1960s. The Amul family joins in mourning this sad loss.”

The mascot, with her polka-dotted frock, blue hair tied in a ponytail and rosy cheeks, has become a household name and is known for her one-liners on any topical issue.

Amul's general marketing manager Pavan Singh expressed grief over LinkedIn. Calling Sylvester the “legend of Indian Advertising world”, he said that he was very sad to learn about Sylvester's demise. He also said that it was an honour to have learnt from him over nearly three decades.

“Along with the legendary Dr. Verghese Kurien, it was Mr. Sylvester Dacunha who had initiated our immortal, iconic topical campaign in 1966, which is one of longest continuously running advertising campaigns in the world. This campaign scaled new heights, moved seamlessly from OOH to print, TV & then digital & social media, enhancing its reach & popularity across multiple generations,” Singh wrote.

“His advertising acumen, his gentle, fatherly nature, his amazing wit & sense of humour are etched in my memory. I am sure, he will live on forever, in the minds & hearts of Advertising & marketing professionals in India,” he added.

Being associated with Amul since 1960s, Sylvester daCunha has been an integral part of Amul’s advertising department. He was also known to have pioneered the concept of advertising being done based on contemporary events.