India's Yoga has created another Guinness world record — this time for most nationalities participating in a yoga session. The record was created at the International Yoga Day event, led by PM Narendra Modi at the UN headquarters in New York. The participants of the yoga session were instructed by Annelies Richmond, yoga teacher from New York.

Guinness World Records official adjudicator Michael Empric said, "Today, there was a Guinness World Records title attempt for most nationalities in a Yoga lesson. The mark to be was 140 nationalities. Today in New York, at the UN, they have 135. It is a new Guinness World records title..."


Officials from the Guinness Book of World Records hand over the certificate to PM Modi.

Thanking all nations for participating in the event and hailing the benefits of yoga, he said: "Yoga is India's gift to the world... Yoga is copyright free and is portable. Anyone can do yoga anywhere." 

"I am told that almost every country is represented here today. And it's amazing that we have gathered for yoga. Yoga means 'to unite'," he said. He further said: "Let us use the power of yoga to build bridges of friendship... Let us join hands together to realise the goal of 'One Earth, One Family, One Future'."

During his inaugural state visit to the United States, at the invitation of US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, Prime Minister Modi led the event at the UN Headquarters to commemorate the 9th International Day of Yoga. Distinguished attendees included top UN officials, diplomats, and prominent personalities.

The Yoga celebration, led by Prime Minister Modi, garnered global recognition as it established the Guinness World Record for the largest representation of nationalities participating in a single event, according to officials.

Expressing his gratitude, Prime Minister Modi, dressed in a personalized white yoga T-shirt and trousers, and a gamusa (a traditiona towel from Assam), extended his thanks to the attendees for making the journey from distant places to join the celebration.

"It brings me immense joy to see all of you here. I am grateful for your presence. I have been informed that almost every nationality is represented among us today," remarked Modi to the assembled audience.

Accompanying him were Csaba Korosi, President of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, and Eric Adams, the Mayor of New York City.

(With PTI inputs.)