The Supreme Court collegium has recommended the names of five judges to be appointed as chief justices of the high courts of Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana, Gauhati, Allahabad, and Jharkhand, news agency PTI reported on Thursday.

The top court collegium, headed by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud, recommended the name of Justice Manindra Mohan Shrivastava for appointment as the chief justice of the Rajasthan High Court, Justice Sheel Nagu of the Punjab and Haryana HC, Vijay Bishnoi of the Gauhati HC, Arun Bhansali of the Allahabad HC, and B R Sarangi of the Jharkhand HC. Alongside, Chandrachud, the collegium has Justices Sanjiv Khanna and B R Gavai as members.

The appointment of Chief Justice of Rajasthan HC was necessitated following the elevation of Justice Augustine George Masih to the Supreme Court. The SC collegium has recommended the appointment of Justice Manindra Mohan Shrivastava, the senior-most puisne judge from the High Court of Chhattisgarh, as the Chief Justice of the Rajasthan High Court.

"While considering his name, the collegium has also taken into consideration the fact that the High Court of Chhattisgarh which is his parent High Court does not have any representation among the Chief Justices of the High Courts," the collegium said in a resolution dated December 27 which was uploaded on Thursday, as quoted by PTI.

On Justice Nagu, the collegium said he is considered to be a competent judge and possesses a high level of integrity and conduct required of a person holding high judicial office.

"While recommending his name, the collegium is conscious of the fact that the High Court of Madhya Pradesh is already represented by a Chief Justice among the Chief Justices of the High Courts...Having regard to all relevant factors, the collegium is of the considered view that Justice Sheel Nagu is fit and suitable in all respects for being appointed as the Chief Justice of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana," the collegium said, as quoted by PTI.

On Justice Bishnoi, the top court collegium stated that he has maintained a high order of professional ethics at the bar and the bench and his conduct and integrity are beyond reproach.

"While recommending his name, the collegium has taken into consideration the fact that at present the Rajasthan High Court which is the parent High Court of Justice Bishnoi is not represented among the Chief Justices of the High Courts," the collegium said, as quoted by PTI. 

On Justice Bhansali, the collegium stated that he has acquired extensive experience in dispensing justice in the Rajasthan High Court. "He is considered to be a competent judge with sound legal acumen and, would therefore be an eminently suitable choice to be elevated as Chief Justice of the largest High Court in the country," it said, as quoted by PTI.

In case of Justice Sarangi, the collegium cited his contribution to the judiciary by way of disposal of cases during his tenure of more than 10 years as a Judge of the High Court. Sarangi has authored more than 1,056 reported judgments.

"He has acquired considerable experience in dispensing justice in the High Court. While considering his name, the collegium has taken into consideration the fact that after the retirement of Justice Sanjaya Kumar Mishra, there would be no representation of the High Court of Orissa among the Chief Justices of the High Courts," the collegium said, as quoted by PTI.

"Having regard to all relevant factors, the collegium is of the considered view that Justice B R Sarangi is fit and suitable in all respects for being appointed as Chief Justice of the High Court of Jharkhand. While making the recommendation, the collegium has duly taken note of seniority of Judges of the High Court of Orissa," it further stated.