Lucknow: As the incident of molestation against two women in Uttar Pradesh’s Rampur has escalated public anger, Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan who is known for making controversial remarks, is at it again.
Azam Khan on Sunday asked people to keep womenfolk indoors to protect them from molesters.
His statement came after TV channels telecasted a viral video clipping, showing the youth accosting two women, groping and molesting them while they repeatedly pleaded and begged to let go.
"After the Bulandshahr incident, everyone should try to keep women of the family indoors. Girls should not go to places where there is naked dance of shamelessness," said Azam Khan while referring to the July 2016 gang rape of a minor and her mother in Bulandshahr.
Blaming the Yogi Adityanath government for the rising crime graph in Uttar Pradesh, Khan said broad daylight molestation in Rampur district was not surprising.
"It is not at all surprising. So many cases of rape, murder and loot have taken place under the present government," he told the media while reacting to the molestation video.
Khan has a penchant for making controversial statements. He was made to apologise by the Supreme Court for calling the Bulandshahr case a "political conspiracy".