New Delhi: Congress President who has gone all out in trying to indict PM Narendra Modi in the controversial Rafale deal on Tuesday welcomed the reinstatement of Alok Verma as CBI Director. Speaking to reporters who were querying for reactions on the Supreme Court decision that is seen as a setback to the government Gandhi said ‘there’s some justice delivered today’.

“The CBI chief was removed by PM at 1 am in the night because he was about to initiate inquiry into the Rafale deal. Today he's been reinstated so there's some justice received,” he said.

In a stinging attack, Gandhi reiterated that nothing can save PM Narendra Modi from Rafale.

The Congress had protested the removal of Alok Verma as CBI chief and had alleged that the CBI special director and No. 2 Rakesh Asthana, booked by his own agency on the charge of taking bribes to give relief to a businessman he was probing, is perceived to be close to Modi.

“The PM’s blue-eyed boy, Gujarat cadre officer, of Godhra SIT fame, infiltrated as No. 2 into the CBI, has now been caught taking bribes,” Gandhi had tweeted in October.

The apex court today reinstated CBI Director Alok Kumar Verma, setting aside the Centre's decision to divest him of his powers, but restrained him from taking any major policy decision till the CVC probe into corruption charges against him is over.

The apex court said any further decision against Verma who retires on January 31 would be taken by the high-powered committee which selects and appoints the CBI director. The government said it would comply with the orders of the apex court.