New Delhi: BSP Chief Mayawati in a press briefing supported Modi cabinet’s decision of providing 10 percent reservation to the economically backward people of upper castes, despite calling it as the party’s political stunt ahead of the Lok Sabha election.

At the same time, she also pushed for an increase in the reservation for the SC/ST/ OBC category. She demanded that the government should consider revising the existing policies of reservation for the SC, ST and OBC after taking note of their increasing population.

She said: “The decision of reservation for the economically backward section of upper castes is good, but the intent behind the decision taken right before the Lok Sabha election does not seem good; it rather seems more of an electoral stunt. It would make more sense had BJP taken this decision earlier and not at the end of its tenure.”

She was referring to the announcement made on Tuesday by the Narendra Modi-led government of giving 10 per cent reservation to upper caste poor in jobs and education. The former UP CM stressed that the reservation should also be extended to the poor, who belong to the various minority religious group and argued that the quota should not be limited to job and education sector.

The Modi government will table a bill Constitutional amendment bill in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday with an objective to implement 10 percent reservation to economically backward upper castes in government jobs and educational institutions. The articles 15 and 16 of the Constitution will have to be amended for implementation of the Modi govt's proposed reservation for economically weak upper castes. This reservation will be over and above the existing 50 percent reservation.