New Delhi: In an heart wrenching and outrageous incident, a mother crossed all limits in a family feud and stooped to a low that is beyond human imagination. Sonu Gupta, who is a resident of Prehladpur in Delhi; on being unable to manage her anger amid a quarrel with her in-laws, and threw her 3-year-old son down the stairs of her house.

The shameful incident got captured in the CCTV camera placed in their house shows a 3-year-old sleeping , while the family argument was on, and the Sonu Gupta can be seen first losing her cool and throwing  clothes on the floor; post which she picks her ‘sleeping’ son and heartlessly throws him downstairs.

With god’s grace, the little boy didn’t get wounded much as he was wearing a lot of layers of clothes.

On speaking to the mother-in-law of the woman, ABP News came to know that her son was married to Sonu for 5 years and they married out of love. But, only months after marriage the couple started indulging in a lot of fights.

The incident also raises serious questions on the mental state of the woman.

The woman’s family has filed a F.I.R in the police station against her, but no arrests have been made so far.