NEW DELHI: The State Bank of India (SBI) has delayed the SBI Clerk Mains Results 2016. Media reports on Wednesday said that the back was to declare the results online on August 31 on its official website but  no notification regarding the result date has been out till now.

The candidates, who had appeared for SBI Clerk Mains examinations 2016 are waiting for the results for the post of Junior Assistants (JA) and Junior Agricultural Assistants (JAA).

The SBI Clerk Mains Results 2016 were expected to be announced by July 23, 2016, but have been delayed by the bank. The SBI Clerk Mains exams 2016 were conducted on June 25 and 26, 2016.

Keep checking this space for the latest updates on your results.

Follow these steps to check SBI clerk mains results 2016:

1: Log on to the official website:
2: Click on the ‘Career’ section.
3: Click on JA & JAA in ‘Clerical Cadre Mains Results’.
4: Enter registration number and date of birth.
5: SBI JA & JAA Clerk mains exam results 2016 will appear on screen.

State Bank of India is the largest banking and financial services organization in India with an asset base of over Rs. 20,00,000 Crores (~20% of the overall banking industry) with over 16,000 branches covering entire geography of India.