Bharatiya Janta Party MP Sushil Modi on Saturday said that same-sex marriage would cause havoc with a delicate balance of personal laws in the country and requested the government to strongly argue against it. 

The Rajya Sabha MP said that two judges cannot decide on this kind of important social issue and that the matter warrants a debate in the Parliament and society at large. 

He also hit out at the supporters of same-sex marriage saying, “Some left-liberals and activists are making efforts to change the ethos of the country. I urge govt to strongly argue against same-sex marriage in court.” 

The BJP MP’s remarks come on the backdrop of the Supreme Court giving a deadline to PM Narendra Modi-led central government until January 6 to file its response on the sensitive matter. 

Earlier, four gay couples approached the top court requesting to legalise same-sex marriage in the country as they cannot take the benefits of medical insurance, pensions, or adoption because their marriage is not recognised by the law of the land. 

In 2018, the apex court in a landmark verdict decriminalised same-sex relationships ending the colonial-era ban on gay sex. But the LGBTQ activists argue that despite the verdict, they are not able to live a normal life, reported HT. 

The United States, earlier this month, approved providing federal recognition to same-sex marriages in an attempt to further safeguard gay rights.