New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh left for a 3-day visit to Moscow Russia for talks on strengthening defence and strategic partnership with Russia. One of the main issues that will be taken up during the visit is expediting the delivery of the cutting-edge weapon system S 400 'Triumf'. India had announced its plans to acquire the integrated weapon system in 2015. Despite the US disapproval of the plan and threats of sanctions, in October 2018 India signed the USD 5 billion S-400 air defence system deal at the 19th India-Russia annual bilateral summit.

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According to a report by PTI, India wanted the long-range missile systems to tighten its air defence, especially along the nearly 4,000-km-long Sino-India border.

What is the S 400 Triumf?

The S 400 is an anti-aircraft missile system that was developed by Russia in the late 1980s and was announced in 1993.  The report by PTI says that It is one the most advanced long long-range surface-to-air missile defence system and that the system came into service in Russia in 2007. The system comprises a surface to air missiles, radar, command, and control equipment. There are four types of missiles that are used in the system and it can be used for 40km to 400km range.  It can be used which can destroy aircraft, cruise, and ballistic missiles, including medium-range weapons, drones, and even ground installations. It can be used for targets at an altitude of up to 30 km. n 2014, China became the first foreign buyer of the S 400.

Turkey and US Row

The weapon system was embroiled in a row between the US and Turkey after the latter announced its decision to acquire the system. After Turkey refused to cancel the deal with Russia, the Trump administration in July 2019 cancelled the sale of F-35 stealth fighter jets to Turkey and removed the country from participating in manufacturing and buying of the F-35 stealth fighter.

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Subramanian Swamy doubts S 400

India’s enthusiasm to acquire the S 400 is not shared by BJP leader Subramanian Swamy who has warned about the use of Chinese technology in the system. He has even tweeted about it and said that India should cancel the plan of buying the S 400.