New Delhi: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday issued a statement urging the government to ensure justice for the twenty soldiers of the Indian Army who sacrificed their lives in the Galwan Valey face-off, which was the worst scuffle between the Indian and Chinese army in last five decades.  In a message to the government he said that disinformation is no substitute for diplomacy or decisive leadership and said that the sacrifices of the martyrs cannot go in vain. He also said that he PM must always be mindful of the implications of his words. Also Read: Centre Amps Up Financial Powers Of Defence Forces, Provides Rs 500 Cr For Critical Weapons And Ammunition

"The Prime Minister must always be mindful of the implications of his words and declarations on our Nation's security as strategic and territorial interests," Singh stated.

Describing the current India-China relations as being on historic cross-roads, Singh said that the government’s Government's decisions and actions will have serious bearings on how the future generations perceive us. Also Read: Indian Army Given Freedom To Give 'Befitting Reply' To China Along LAC: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh

He said: “China is brazenly and illegally seeking to claim parts of Indian territory such as the Galwan Valley and the Pangong Tso Lake by committing multiple incursions between April 2020 till date. We cannot and will not be cowed down by threats and intimidation nor permit a com- promise with our territorial integrity.”

“The Prime Minister cannot allow them to use his words as a vindication of their position and must ensure that all organs of the Government work together to tackle this crisis and prevent it from escalating further,” he added.

“We remind the Government that disinformation is no substitute for diplomacy or decisive leadership. The truth cannot be suppressed by having pliant allies spout comforting but false statements,” Singh targeted the government.

He called upon the Prime Minister and the Government to rise to the occasion, to ensure justice for Col. B. Santosh Babu and the jawans who have made the ultimate sacrifice. “To do any less would be a historic betrayal of the people's faith,” he said.

The Congress and the Centre have been at loggerheads over the border dispute with China, with the party accusing the government of cowing down to China and hiding crucial information from the nation.

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