Ram Mandir latest news: Amid the rage over the construction of a Ram temple in Ayodhya, Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government on Saturday announced that it will install a 221-metre bronze statue of Lord Ram in the state. If built, the statue will be the tallest statue in the world. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has approved the building of the statue, a press release from the Uttar Pradesh government stated. At a high-level meeting last night, the Chief Minister directed the officials to ensure that the statue was installed "in the best possible manner."
UP Principal Secretary (Information) Avanish Awasthi said while the height of the actual statue would be 151 metres, its overhead umbrella would be 20 metres while the pedestal would be 50 metres. A museum would be housed at the pedestal, he added.
As per the report, the Ram statue will be built on 100 acres of land. The Sarayu riverfront will also be developed as part of this ambitious project.
For the construction of the statue, five firms have been shortlisted who gave presentations before CM Yogi Adityanath last evening. Meanwhile, the soil testing is being done for installing the statue.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had on October 31, inaugurated an imposing 182-metre statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the country's first home minister, in Gujarat.
Ram Mandir latest news: UP govt to install 221-metre bronze statue of Lord Ram in Ayodhya - World's tallest statue
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
25 Nov 2018 07:56 AM (IST)
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has approved the building of the statue, a press release from the Uttar Pradesh government stated.
If built, the statue will be the tallest statue in the world.
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