Chennai: Tamil superstar and politician Rajinikanth on Friday hit out at the ruling AIADMK in Tamil Nadu for protesting against certain scenes in actor Vijay's latest flick 'Sarkar'. The actor "strongly condemned" the demands for deletion of scenes despite being certified by the Censor Board.

"It is against the law to hold protests seeking removal of some scenes from a Censor board certified film and trying to stall the screening and damaging the banners," he tweeted.

The makers of 'Sarkar' sucked into a controversy and later agreed to pull out "objectionable" scenes and "mute" an apparent reference to the late J Jayalalithaa. They makers informed that four cuts in the film will be made. The scenes on welfare schemes and its leader enraged the AIADMK cadres. The AIADMK leaders demanded immediate erasure of the contentious scenes failing which legal action will be initiated.

Law Minister C Ve Shanmugham said certain scenes amounted to inciting violence and warned of action. While a theatre owners' body announced that the edited version would be screened from Friday afternoon, sources in the 'Sarkar' crew said a "compromise" has been reached, reported PTI.

'Sarkar,' produced by Sun Pictures, stars Vijay and Keerthi Suresh in pivotal roles. It was released on November 6. The movie is directed by AR Murugadoss and has music by Oscar winner AR Rahman.