ABP News sources have said that Sachin Pilot will not join BJP, as against speculations that went rife soon after his ouster from posts he held in the Rajasthan government. On Tuesday, two more ministers who have joined him in his revolt were also dropped. Sachin Pilot, who has rebelled against the Congress is not joining the BJP and still remains a Congressman.
It comes as a major development amid the ongoing Rajasthan political crisis and large anticipation over his next move. The leader’s decision to not join BJP comes on the backdrop of his meeting with Congress-turned BJP leader Jyotiraditya Scindia. There were speculations that the leader is negotiating with the BJP and aiming at the Chief Minister's seat. He stated that he was pondering over the future strategy. He did not hint at making another party either as he spoke to ABP News but he told that he would reveal his plans soon.
Meanwhile, the Congress on Wednesday has taken steps to issue disqualification notice to Sachin Pilot and other dissident Rajasthan MLAs for anti-party activities. The 19 rebel legislators have been issued notice by the assembly Speaker and asked to respond by Friday .
On Tuesday, the grand old party has called the minister to attend the meet in its effort to placate him but skipping the meet only sent a strong signal to the Congress that the young leader was not in any mood to budge.