New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi lashed out at the Centre on Monday after a scuffle broke out between policemen and resident doctors protesting against the delay in NEET-PG counselling.

Taking to Twitter, Rahul Gandhi said, "Showering of flower petals from PR (public relations), in reality, it is raining injustice. I stand with #CovidWarriors against the tyranny of the central government."

During the nationwide lockdown last year, the government had showered flower petals on physicians and healthcare workers as gratitude for their assistance in combating the Covid-19 outbreak.

Resident doctors of government-run hospitals marched from Maulana Azad Medical College in central Delhi to the Supreme Court on Monday to protest the delay in NEET-PG 2021 counselling.

However, the demonstrators were halted by police, which resulted in a minor scuffle. At least 12 protesters were detained by police and later released.

The Federation of Resident Doctors' Association (FORDA) has been spearheading the protest for the last several days.

Patient services at three Centre-run facilities — Safdarjung, RML, and Lady Hardinge hospitals — as well as certain Delhi government-run hospitals were disrupted, PTI reported.

FORDA president Manish claimed that resident doctors of a large number of major hospitals on Monday "returned their apron (lab coat) in a symbolic gesture of rejection of services".

"We also tried to march from the campus of the Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) to Supreme Court, but soon after we had started it, security personnel did not allow us to proceed," PTI quoted him as saying.

Delhi Police said seven cops got injured during the protest of resident doctors near ITO on Monday. The police said while the protesters were being removed from the roads, they tried to tear the uniform of the police personnel. They even broke the glasses of police vehicle and misbehaved with the forces, police said.

(With PTI inputs)