Mumbai: The word of war over Rahul Gandhi's remark on Damodar Savarkar has a new addition of reaction and this time from his political ally Shiv Sena that sharply reacted to former Congress President's jibe. Sena leader Sanjay Raut on Saturday issued a veiled warning to Rahul Gandhi saying that there could not be any compromise about reverence for the Hindutva ideologue. Earlier in the day, Congress leader while addressing a mega Bharat Bachao rally in the national capital rejected the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) demand for apology for his "rape in India" barb, and added that his name was Rahul Gandhi, not "Rahul Savarkar" and he will never apologise for speaking the truth.

In a series of tweets in Marathi, Raut said that there will be no compromises on Savarkar. "Veer Savarkar is the god of not only Maharashtra but also the country. The name Savarkar is the pride of nation. Like Nehru and Gandhi, Savarkar sacrificed his life for independence. Every such god should be honoured. There are no compromises. Jai Hind," Sena leader tweeted.

"We believe in Pandit Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi. Do not insult Veer Savarkar," Raut added without naming the Congress or Rahul Gandhi in person.

Rahul Gandhi's remark on Savarkar stroked massive controversy and several BJP leaders slammed him for his comments. BJP spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said, "The more appropriate name for you Rahul Gandhi is RAHUL JINNAH. Your Muslim appeasement politics and mindset makes you a worthy legatee of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, not Savarkar."

In his fiery speech earlier in the day, Rahul Gandhi also accused the Prime Minister of burning the northeastern states and West Bengal over the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act, that was signed by President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday night, a day after it was passed in Rajya Sabha.

WATCH | Rahul Gandhi Attacks BJP Over Rape In India Remark, Says My Name Is Not Rahul Savarkar

The Congress MP from Kerala's Wayanad instead demanded apology from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah to the country. The Lok Sabha on Friday burst into fierce attack by treasury benches on Rahul over his "Rape in India" remark, with all BJP members condemning the statement and seeking his apology.

Lamenting at the government over the economic crisis, Rahul said, "The strength of this country was its economy, many countries looked at us and they wondered how we reached at 9 per cent GDP. And now today even onion is being sold at Rs 200 a kg.

Rahul courted controversy over his "rape in India" remark at an election rally in Godda, Jharkhand, which led to ruckus in Parliament. The BJP had sought apology from Rahul for making that statement.