Srinagar: The detention of National Conference leader and three time Chief Minister of erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir Farooq Abdullah has been extended by three months, news agency PTI reported. As per reports, the Srinagar MP would would continue to remain at his residence that has been declared a sub-jail for three more months. The decision to extend his detention was recommended by the advisory board of the Home Department of the Union Territory of J&K under the Public Safety Act (PSA).

"The case of Abdullah, also a five-term parliamentarian, was reviewed by the advisory board of the Home Department of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir which recommended extension of his detention under the PSA," PTI quoted administrative officials as saying.

His house, located at Gupkar Road, has been declared a sub-jail by the the union territory's Home Department. The 82-year-old Abdullah, who became the first chief minister against whom the stringent public safety law was invoked, has a heart pacemaker implanted and had undergone a kidney transplant a few years ago.

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Abdullah is among a host of leaders and activists who were detained on August 5 when the centre abrogated Article 370 and divided the state into two union territories -- Ladakh, and Jammu and Kashmir. The PSA has two sections -- 'public order' and 'threat to security of the state'. The former allows detention without trial for three to one year and the latter for two years.

Earlier this month, Abdullah criticised the Centre for not allowing him to attend the winter session of parliament. The letter by the NC leader was shared by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor. Reacting to the extension of Abdullah detention, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee said, "Farooq Abdullah detention extended by three months under Public Safety Act... This is a very sad state of affairs. In our democratic country this is happening. These are unconstitutional steps."

The PSA is applicable only in Jammu and Kashmir. Elsewhere in the country, the equivalent law is the National Security Act (NSA). Besides Abdullah, his son and former chief minister Omar and ex-CM Mehbooba Mufti, several other leaders have also been under detention since August 5.

An emotional Abdullah had told the media on August 6 that he was pained at the Centre's decision on Article 370. PSA was slapped against Abdullah on September 17, hours before the Supreme Court was scheduled to hear a petition by MDMK leader Vaiko, who claimed that the NC leader was detained by J&K administration illegally. "He has been booked under the ‘public order’ provision of the PSA which allows that a person can be kept inside jail from three to six months without a trial, PTI quoted officials as saying.

On Tuesday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said in Parliament that the political leaders detained in Jammu and Kashmir will be released by the local administration and there will be "no central interference". The Centre has repeatedly claimed the leaders were under detention as a precautionary measure.