New Delhi: Union Minister and BJP MP from Amethi, Smriti Irani on Tuesday slammed Congress MP Rahul Gandhi for his remarks on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's constituency Varanasi during his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra. Speaking at Sonia Gandhi's Lok Sabha constituency Raebareily, Rahul claimed that he saw people dancing drunk on Varanasi streets.

Reacting to this, Irani said, "Rahul Gandhi's inappropriate remark shows how much venom he has in his heart for Uttar Pradesh. He made objectionable remarks against voters of UP in Wayanad. Today, he made indecent remarks on Varanasi and youth of Uttar Pradesh. Congress' future is in darkness but UP's future is moving towards development."

In his remarks earlier, Rahul Gandhi said: "I visited Varanasi... Instead of progress, I witnessed a scene where individuals, Uttar Pradesh's future, lying drunk on the streets, dancing in the grip of alcohol." "On the other hand, Ram Mandir is being inaugurated in Ayodhya. You will find Narendra Modi, Adani, Ambani... You won't find people from the backward classes, adivasis, or Dalits...," he said. More On It: Rahul Gandhi's Jibe At PM Modi Constituency, Says UP's Future Dancing Drunk On Streets Of Varanasi

‘Amethi Workers Waiting For Rahul Gandhi’: Smriti Irani As Congress ‘Welcomes’ Challenge For LS Polls

Following Congress leader Jairam Ramesh's announcement over Rahul contesting the 2024 Lok Sabha elections from Uttar Pradesh’s Amethi Lok Sabha constituency, BJP MP Smriti Irani on Tuesday took a dig at Rahul Gandhi, saying, "I am happy that Jairam Ramesh has accepted my challenge that Rahul Gandhi without Akhilesh Yadav and Mayawati is ready to contest elections from Amethi…Being an ordinary worker of BJP, I welcome this challenge…Today all of us, Amethi workers will be waiting for Rahul Gandhi to announce this through CEC today. Jairam Ramesh has announced that Rahul Gandhi will contest elections from Amethi without going to Wayanad ..."

Earlier, Congress MP Jairam Ramesh emphasized that the decision regarding Rahul Gandhi's candidacy in Amethi would be made by the Congress Election Committee (CEC) and Rahul Gandhi himself. He said, "CEC, Rahul Gandhi will take this decision (to contest from Amethi) but people want Rahul Gandhi to return. People understand that they made a mistake in 2019 and they want Rahul Gandhi back…It is her (Smriti Irani) democratic right to challenge and we are not running away from any challenge. If Rahul Gandhi decides to contest elections from here (Amethi), he will contest the elections. People are saying that they made a mistake in 2019 and Rahul Bhaiya should contest elections from here (Amethi) and he will win."