A shocking incident has been reported in Punjab's Amritsar where two nihangs (Sikhs armed with traditional weapons) and a waited hacked an 'inebriated' man to death in the wee hours of Thursday allegedly for smoking outsite a hotel near Golden Temple. The victim, identified as Harmanjeet had an argument with accused as they hurled allegations at him of drinking alcohol and chewing tobacco, Amritsar Commissioner of Police Arun Pal told news agency ANI.

A CCTV footage of the incident has gone viral on social media. In the viral video, the two nihangs can be seen arguing with the victim and later stabbing him with sharp-edged weapons. A waiter was also seen joining the assaulters. 

The 35-year-old man was grievously injured and left on the street on Wednesday night to bleed to death. The Police was informed about the crime in the next morning. Notably, there is no ban on drinking or smoking in the city.

According to Police, all three accused have been identified and one has been arrested so far. Police is trying to nab the other two accused. Raids are being carried out to apprehend the remaining suspects. The arrested accused claimed to not know the two nihangs who envolved in the crime.

"It is unfortunate that passers-by remained mute spectators and nobody intervened. The youngster kept lying on the street the entire night, but nobody helped him or called the cops," the Commissioner said.

The victim's family said that Harmanjeet had left home after he received a phone call in the evening.

While speaking to media, Amritsar CP also said that the Nihangs took offence to his chewing tobacco and being drunk while roaming in a street. After a heated argument, they allegedly attacked him and a third person also joined them in the crime. They injured him severely leading to his death.