New Delhi: As the opposition front, named INDIA, moved a no-confidence motion against the government in Lok Sabha on Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's response to a similar motion in 2018 has gone viral, in which he mockingly told the parties behind it that they should prepare to table a similar exercise in 2023 as well.

While replying to the no-confidence motion in 2018 in Lok Sabha, Modi had said, "I want to send you my good wishes that you prepare so much that you get a chance to bring a no-confidence again in 2023."

Union Minister Jitendra Singh shared this part of Modi's speech to highlight his "prediction".

Responding to an opposition member, Modi said it was the consequence of arrogance that the Congress' tally fell from over 400 at one time to nearly 40 in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls.

It is due to the spirit of service that the BJP rose from two seats to winning power on its own, he had said. 

Meanwhile, on Wednesday morning, Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi and BRS MP Nama Nageswara Rao tabled the motion in Lok Sabha to get a statement from the prime minister on the ongoing Manipur ethnic violence.

Responding to the Opposition parties' decision on the no-confidence motion, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said the Opposition should remember their failed attempt in 2018.

"If they are doing so, they should know that last time they brought a no-confidence motion, BJP came back to power with a stronger majority of over 300 seats and the same will happen again and we will get more than 350 seats," PTI quoted Joshi as saying.

In 2018, the Telugu Desam Party, a former NDA ally, brought a no-confidence motion against the Modi government after the party accused the Centre of non-allocation of adequate funds to Andhra Pradesh. However, the government defeated the motion and won it by 325 to 126 votes.