PM Modi's Address On Farm Laws: Amid the ongoing protests of farmers over the new agrarian laws of Centre, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the farmers of Madhya Pradesh at the 'Kisan Kalyan' event in Raisen through video conferencing and flayed the opposition parties for "spreading lies and misleading farmers" over MSP, APMC and farming agreement provisions in the new laws. Defending, the three laws, he said that the farm laws did not come overnight, farmer unions, experts and agricultural scientists were consulted before decision was made.

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"I assure farmers that MSP regime will continue; it will not be scrapped, opposition is lying on MSP issue," said PM Modi.

Slamming the Opposition for doing petty politics and misleading the farmers of the country about the legislations which are originally aimed at the betterment of farmers, Prime Minister Modi said that these parties have been using loan-waivers to lure votes of peasants but they never implement it. PM said that farmers in Rajasthan are still worrying about their loans being waived. "Past instances are proof, whatever they declare are never fulfilled, money allotted for farmers never reach them.

He stated that in ten years the 'opposition announced Rs 50k cr loan waiver, while we announced Rs 75k cr in 1 year.'

Tearing into those who are fanning the movement of farmers, PM said that even other political parties had promised the same in their manifestos, but are now upset over how NDA government got it implemented. "I request all political parties with folded hands, please keep all the credit. I'm giving credit to all your old election manifestos. I just want ease in the life of farmers, I want their progress and want modernity in agriculture," he said.

Prime Minister alleged that the other parties were wary of spending more on farmers and hence they sat over the recommendations of Swaminathan Commission . He said that it was the Bharatiya Janata Party government which  implemented the report and added 50 per cent profit on the cost of the farmer.

"If we wanted to remove MSP provision, why would we implement the Swaminathan committee at the first place?" Modi said.

Enlisting the steps taken by NDA government for farmers in Madhya Pradesh, Modi said today Rs 16 thousand crores are being transferred into the bank accounts of 35 lakhs farmers of Madhya Pradesh. "Today, several farmers have been given Kisan Credit Card. Earlier, they were not available to all farmers. But we changed rules to make Kisan Credit Card available to all farmers across the country," he added.