New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday attended the Budget Session of the Parliament wearing a jacket made of material recycled from plastic bottles. He was seen wearing a light blue "sadri" jacket as he sat in the Rajya Sabha in the morning. The Prime Minister chose the outfit to promote phasing out of single-use plastic under the ‘Unbottled’ initiative of Indian Oil.
Under the ‘Unbottled’ initiative, IndianOil has adopted uniforms for retail customer attendants and LPG delivery personnel made from recycled polyester (rPET) and cotton. The uniforms were launched by the Prime Minister during the inauguration of India Energy Week 2023 in Bengaluru on February 6.
The process of making fabric from discarded bottles involves washing, drying, and crushing of collected PET bottles into small chips. The chips are then heated and passed through a spinneret to form polyester staple fibre which is given fluffy, woolly texture in a crimping machine.
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This polyester staple fibre is then spun to produce yarn which is further knitted or woven into polyester fabric.
As a part of its’ initiative towards Circular Economy, IndianOil has adopted Uniforms for Retail Customer Attendants and LPG delivery personnel made from recycled polyester (rPET) & cotton. Each set of uniform of IndianOil’s Customer attendant shall support recycling of around 28 used PET bottles, the company said in a statement.
Later in the day, PM will reply to the debate on Motion of Thanks to President Droupadi Murmu's address in Lok Sabha.
PM Modi's address will come a day after Congress MP Rahul Gandhi spoke on the Motion of Thanks to President Murmu where he cornered the Centre over the Adani row. While speaking in the Lok Sabha Gandhi said that the relationship between PM Modi and Gautam Adani began many years ago when the former was chief minister of Gujarat. He also said that real magic began when PM Modi reached Delhi in 2014.