New Delhi: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s 125th birth anniversary will kick start the Republic Day celebrations in the country from today. To mark the occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unveil a hologram statue of Bose at the India Gate. The event will take place around 6 PM on Sunday.
January 23 will also be celebrated as Parakram Diwas in the country.
“At a time when the entire nation is marking the 125th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, I am glad to share that his grand statue, made of granite, will be installed at India Gate. This would be a symbol of India’s indebtedness to him,” the PM wrote on his Twitter handle.
The hologram will be in place until the real granite statue of Netaji is completed. “Till the grand statue of Netaji Bose is completed, a hologram statue of his would be present at the same place. I will unveil the hologram statue on 23rd January, Netaji’s birth anniversary,” the PM wrote in another tweet.
A press release, informing about the specifics of the statue said, “The hologram statue will be powered by a 30,000 lumens 4K projector. An invisible, high gain, 90% transparent holographic screen has been erected in such a way so that it is not visible to visitors. The 3D image of Netaji will be projected on it to create the effect of a hologram. The size of the hologram statue is 28 feet in height and 6 feet in width.”
The unveiling will be followed by the PM conferring the Subhas Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan Puraskars for the years 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. The award is meant to recognise and honour the contributions made by individuals and organisations in the field of disaster management.
The award will have a Rs 51 lakh cash prize and a certificate for the organisations, and a Rs 5 lakh cash prize and certificate for individuals.