New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will immediately after returning to the country after attending the G20 Summit and COP26 hold a review meeting with the district magistrates of over 40 districts having low Covid-19 vaccination coverage on November 3.

The meeting will include districts with less than 50 percent coverage of the first dose and low coverage of the second dose of Covid vaccine.

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Prime Minister Modi will interact with the district magistrates of over 40 districts in Jharkhand, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya and other states with districts having low vaccination coverage.

The Chief Ministers of these states will also be present during the review meeting, which will take place via video conferencing at 12 noon.

The meeting assumes significance as the vaccination drive has been ramped up through availability of more vaccines, advance visibility of vaccine availability to the states and Union Territories for enabling better planning by them and streamlining the vaccine supply chain.

As part of the nationwide vaccination drive, the Centre has been supporting the states and Union Territories by providing them Covid vaccines free of cost.

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The Union Health Ministry said the Centre will in the new phase of the universalization of the Covid-19 vaccination drive procure and supply (free of cost) 75 percent of the vaccines being produced by the vaccine manufacturers in the country to the states and Union Territories.