Yavatmal: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the Indian Army soldiers will decide what punishment has to be dealt to the perpetrators of the Pulwama attack in which 40 CRPF personnel succumbed to injuries. He launched an indirect attack at Pakistan without naming it and said that it had become a synonym for terrorism.

“A country that was formed after India’s partition, which gives shelter to terrorism and which is on the verge of bankruptcy has today become a synonym for terrorism,” the PM said at a public event at Yavatmal in Maharashtra.

He was speaking in reference to Thursday’s suicide bombing at Pulwama in which 40 CRPF jawans were killed.

The PM once again reteriated that the sacrifices of the jawans will not be in vain, the PM said that no matter where the leaders of terror organisations hide, they will have to pay for their sins. “Our jawans will decide what, where, when and how the perpetrators of the Pulwama attack will be punished,” PM Modi said.

Responding to the sentiment of anger that has spread across the country after the Pulwama attack, the PM called for patience.

“Have patience and faith in our soldiers. The nation understands the anger in the armed forces and the CRPF. We have given them a free hand to decide the punishment for those who carried out the Pulwama attack,” the PM said.